I always remember the dialog from the movie Inception that the greatest/biggest thing in this world is not money is not power its an idea . something that occupies your mind and dont let you sleep . Its like holding an bomb in your hand which you cant control something that controls you and your each move .
Idea is something you cant create you cant invent something that has a mind of its own and once it appears you are bound to follow it .You can never plan an idea to pop up if your actually good and know how to do things you can actually drop an idea in some one mind but still you are giving direction tosomething what it will turn out to you have no control over it . It like a seed that you have planted you know what type of tree it will be but how exactly the tree will grow how big small , shape you can never control it.
How many of us have actually tried , pushed our head and mind to get an idea . But it never pops up ur pushing ur self to max and nothing out and one day you are drinking a cup of tea or talking with some one and it just crashes out from sky .
I wud not be blogging about it but what actually pushed me on that was movie "Social Network"
how the idea of social network on internet shaped the idea of Facebook . The next word is restlessness its the second feeling you recieve after idea because now the idea as long as it is not made to enter the real world into some form will not let the person sleep , eat or anything.
Idea is something that shapes you its something that makes you something that gives you purpose . it has a thousand meaning and thousand links it has no ending no begining so this time i will not be ending this at a logical block ................
leaving it at the seed of an IDEA .............................................................