Saturday, November 27, 2010


I always remember the dialog from the movie Inception that the greatest/biggest thing in this world is not money is not power its an idea . something that occupies your mind and dont let you sleep . Its like holding an bomb in your hand which you cant control something that controls you and your each move .
Idea is something you cant create you cant invent something that has a mind of its own and once it appears you are bound to follow it .You can never plan an idea to pop up if your actually good and know how to do things you can actually drop an idea in some one mind but still you are giving direction tosomething what it will turn out to you have no control over it . It like a seed that you have planted you know what type of tree it will be but how exactly the tree will grow how big small , shape you can never control it.
How many of us have actually tried , pushed our head and mind to get an idea . But it never pops up ur pushing ur self to max and nothing out and one day you are drinking a cup of tea or talking with some one and it just crashes out from sky .
I wud not be blogging about it but what actually pushed me on that was movie "Social Network"
how the idea of social network on internet shaped the idea of Facebook . The next word is restlessness its the second feeling you recieve after idea because now the idea as long as it is not made to enter the real world into some form will not let the person sleep , eat or anything.
Idea is something that shapes you its something that makes you something that gives you purpose . it has a thousand meaning and thousand links it has no ending no begining so this time i will not be ending this at a logical block ................
leaving it at the seed of an IDEA .............................................................

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Being Alone

If i ask any one how he/she wants his weekend to be then the ans will be awsome it sud have lots of party and dance and enjoyment. And that too is not without as reason we all are soo much struck in work the weekdays that on weekend we just want to escape from the world we want to create so much noices and shouts arroud us so that our inner voice of all week/pending work remains unheard in them.
and all this has kept us away us from simple things happiness what happend to the peace that we loved long back , the sun setting in the sea and you watching it peacefully alone from world or rather sitting in a garden with cool breeze blowing and you listening to sound of birds alone.
In all this hosh posh culture we have lost the joy of being alone , Now we think being happy means being with 7-10 people and doing crazy things and being alone for a moment seems a curse for life time .
to be true being alone for some time is one of the most awsome things around you can talk to ur self think about your life or to the best can make peace with urself . But now we have forgotten that or we have kept the simple image of ours inside the deepest part of out heart as being simple now in our life means being a no body and that in fact is ome thing no one loves/likes/dreams of being.
But being simple is infact is awsome to Simple people are a lot in demand and we always love to have some one around who is simple and true from heart its a rare and unique combination and to be true infact I have never ever met a person like such till now .
for being simple chracter i remember just one movie "Forrest Gump" the life of a simple guy for him everthing was simple nothing was complex. If he fear he ran , no complex judgement what and when and where things have to be done , just simple If i fear I ran now nothing can be simpler then that . For Him there was nothing bad in this world wahat ever happens it just happen he never categorize things Girl friend left (no probs) , no complex emotion nothing . Being simple person portarayal of such kind i had never seen any where . But to true i loved that kind of person and If i find any such person in mine life will make him/her mine friend for life for as what ever may thw world see being simple /true is some thing that is truely desired and will be desired .
You know if everthing were simple how great all of our life wud have been , if you dont like some thing come and say its very simple but no we have to make life complex so we go round the seven seas to say the same that u dpnt like it and in that much all chiiter chatter the sole thing is alys missed . If you like some one just go and say the thing is very simple a yes or no , nopes but we do like to make thing complex we arrange a lot of things make his/her friends our friends and then go a lot places and then after al long chatting , breakfast , lunches and parties we are still there not having the courage and now we have one more problem what will others think his/her friends who too have joined the circle . why in the world we made things o complex so of you like her eyes just say , dont like his/her dress just say yaar believe me if you do it simply its better .

Saturday, February 27, 2010

What writing Is

writing when it comes to mind we all think is pretty simple dont we well i am not pretty sure about u all but i am hundred percent confident on me on that , but to be true writing is really tough task when you have to write something from heart . I and most of us will believe we pretty much filled copies and copies of paper in exam and in variuos tests and writing that tons of tons of paper was not that much difficult task.
But let me put a simple question remember the time when you have to write your first love letter to the some one who has deep feeling in your heart trouble some its it huh. writing that on that small single piece of paper was like a full fledged war sme think like a world war 3 with heart on one side and brain on other side in that case what ever be the result we are the one who loose be it brain or heart.
Well that letter even after 100 th of the tries was never perfect for us . I too smile on mine first letler that i wrote to mine heart but we are not speaking of some thing like that right now.
what i want to highlight is its difficult and the reason is our mind and heart are never on the same side , from our childhood we are always loving our heart as it gives us chances to be free from all ristriction and we always put trouble on our head as it is the only thing that could make our dreams come true, our heart always wanted us to enjoy and we need our head to just dump all that it can take and here comes the problem heart and brain are against each other .
The Only thing that we ever dont want in our life is heart adn brain against each other we should enjoy that ever we do and that is the only thing that should be taught to us and that is the only thing that is not taught to us in our life . Just try this part for once in your life do what ever you enjoy love what you do and see the diffence .
And if you ever wish to know that you have done and learned this thing try starting writing and see how good ur at writing ur heart through ur head ..

Sunday, February 14, 2010


well it has been long time since i started writing the last stuff i wrote were home works (mine) and then later on schedule of things that i will do but none were of great use as i was never able to complete my home work fully so always got beaten in school and the next big break through was schedules that i was not able to keep up even for the premier day.And these habits of not completing any task fully and lack of full comcentration has left me here the way I am today .
well now today here i am a software engg. doing stuff that i dont like that much and in a company of which i am not that fond of i bet most of us feel the same way not sure abt the company but abt the work most of us do feel the same way when in college we all wanted to change the world , but now i and most of u too believe that this world has won and changed us in some way or another we have learnt to compromise its a real small word but does made a lot of change in our life.....
compromise anything that can work is ok , ha another small word OK but it too does have a lot of impact in our life had a lot of too . Well as i have said the blog is mine world so i will say here and if am free will keep on saying what ever i feel my world is it will include my personal and professional life both , but as a life of a software engineer i dont feel these 2 makes much of a difference in any sense.