Saturday, February 27, 2010

What writing Is

writing when it comes to mind we all think is pretty simple dont we well i am not pretty sure about u all but i am hundred percent confident on me on that , but to be true writing is really tough task when you have to write something from heart . I and most of us will believe we pretty much filled copies and copies of paper in exam and in variuos tests and writing that tons of tons of paper was not that much difficult task.
But let me put a simple question remember the time when you have to write your first love letter to the some one who has deep feeling in your heart trouble some its it huh. writing that on that small single piece of paper was like a full fledged war sme think like a world war 3 with heart on one side and brain on other side in that case what ever be the result we are the one who loose be it brain or heart.
Well that letter even after 100 th of the tries was never perfect for us . I too smile on mine first letler that i wrote to mine heart but we are not speaking of some thing like that right now.
what i want to highlight is its difficult and the reason is our mind and heart are never on the same side , from our childhood we are always loving our heart as it gives us chances to be free from all ristriction and we always put trouble on our head as it is the only thing that could make our dreams come true, our heart always wanted us to enjoy and we need our head to just dump all that it can take and here comes the problem heart and brain are against each other .
The Only thing that we ever dont want in our life is heart adn brain against each other we should enjoy that ever we do and that is the only thing that should be taught to us and that is the only thing that is not taught to us in our life . Just try this part for once in your life do what ever you enjoy love what you do and see the diffence .
And if you ever wish to know that you have done and learned this thing try starting writing and see how good ur at writing ur heart through ur head ..

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