Sunday, February 14, 2010


well it has been long time since i started writing the last stuff i wrote were home works (mine) and then later on schedule of things that i will do but none were of great use as i was never able to complete my home work fully so always got beaten in school and the next big break through was schedules that i was not able to keep up even for the premier day.And these habits of not completing any task fully and lack of full comcentration has left me here the way I am today .
well now today here i am a software engg. doing stuff that i dont like that much and in a company of which i am not that fond of i bet most of us feel the same way not sure abt the company but abt the work most of us do feel the same way when in college we all wanted to change the world , but now i and most of u too believe that this world has won and changed us in some way or another we have learnt to compromise its a real small word but does made a lot of change in our life.....
compromise anything that can work is ok , ha another small word OK but it too does have a lot of impact in our life had a lot of too . Well as i have said the blog is mine world so i will say here and if am free will keep on saying what ever i feel my world is it will include my personal and professional life both , but as a life of a software engineer i dont feel these 2 makes much of a difference in any sense.

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